Why Taking Online Classes Will Help You Land Your Dream job


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People enroll for online classes for various reasons – while some want to learn for fun, others want to grow their skills and competencies to help advance their careers and land their dream job. Here are our top five reasons why you should consider learning online:

Hone Your Job Skills

Enrolling for online classes gives you an awesome opportunity to build and grow your skills repertoire. With such a vast array of online classes available to choose from, it’s never been easier for you to hone your skills and perfect whatever talents you have. Online classes are a great way to formally up skill, support career advancement and also help you land your dream job.

Gain a Recognisable Qualification

The second most important thing about enrolling in an online class is that it gives you a fantastic opportunity to get a formally recognised qualification. Not only do you have the benefit of learning flexibility by doing an online class, you can also have a much greater choice of provider. If you’re based in the UK for instance, you could study an online course from Harvard University. Equally, if you live in sunny California you could do an online course delivered by Oxford University!

Good qualifications from top online schools are no longer just available to full-time students and anyone can now undertake a course while, for example being in full-time work. This means learning can now be a life long activity that can be used to help land a dream, advance with our current employers and learn new, non work related skills.

Increase Your Market Value

Taking an online class can also increase your market value tremendously. Nowadays, employers want to hire candidates who either have a combination of valuable skills or specific skills in short supply. And while your work experience will always play a key role in dictating your market value, studying online and gaining recognised qualifications will definitely make you more desirable to employers. This type of learning is also likely to give you more career advancement opportunity in your current role, as well giving you leverage when it comes to negotiating your salary / package.

Expand Your Network

Enrolling for online classes also helps grow your network. You will not only connect with fellow students, but instructors who might be influential in linking or recommending you to potential employers. Remember, as your network grows, so does your chance of securing that dream job, especially when you consider that only 20% of jobs available are ever advertised! Take advantage of any online class you take and connect with new people – you never know what it might lead to.

Grow Your Confidence

Taking an online class and obtaining a formal qualification is a great confidence booster. By securing new skills you can be more assured that your application for that dream job is likely to be considered more than before. Also, many employers look favourably on candidates that have successfully completed online, distance learning qualifications as it demonstrates real commitment and drive.

The Bottom line!

Enrolling for online classes has many benefits. You will not only get a chance to build your skills repertoire, but gain qualifications that put you in a greater position to land your dream job. Additionally, you also stand to build a great network of like-minded people that could lead you to an endless road of opportunity.

Good Luck


Smart Thinking You’re Way to That Dream Job


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In this improving but still difficult employment market, you need to think about your job search habits and focus yourself on a smarter approach.

If you’re like most job seekers, you follow a set of routines in looking for work – check on and offline sources for relevant job ads – write a nice cover letter and enclose your CV. You do some research on the company your hoping to go and work for, practice potential interview questions,  and then hope for the best.

The key to any successful venture, though, is to understand as much as possible about how the system works. You can’t improve the performance of a car without knowing something about engines, and you can’t hone your job applications without knowing how hiring decisions are being made.

For any position, the person or committee doing the hiring is going to get a stack of cover letters and CVs, and perhaps a portfolio of your work. That first read through the large stack is going to be done quickly, so how can you stand out in that initial crowd?

One thing you can do is to be familiar. For 50 years, psychologists have known that people tend to like things that they have been exposed to before. That is why the crowd at a rock concert cheers loudest for the song that has been playing on the radio. That song may not be the best one, but it is the most familiar.

So find a way to make yourself more familiar to the people doing the hiring. Ask them questions. Find an event that the company is sponsoring and volunteer. Take a tour of the company facilities to find out more about what they do and try to get an introduction to people in human resources. The key is to give your application just a little boost of familiarity when people are reading through it. That will help you make the first cut.

Another thing you can do is to work your network. Many first-time job seekers want to get a job on their own to prove that they can do it themselves. But, the real goal is to get a job. A few months after you land the job, nobody will care how you got there. They’ll only be thinking about whether you’re right for the job. So, go out and do some networking. Make use of the alumni from your university. Find every industry related meeting and go to it. Participate. Help to organise events. Use your on and offline contacts to make recommendations. Your CV will look a lot better when it comes along with a personal recommendation than it does by itself.

Third, hone your pitch. If you have the chance to talk to someone about your strengths, what will you tell them? Research on smart thinking makes clear that most people will remember roughly three things about any new meeting, book, or encounter. That rule of three applies to what employers will remember about you. So find three things about yourself that you want to highlight. Focus all of your communications on those three elements. Mention them in your cover letter. Highlight those core strengths in your CV. The more effectively you stay on message, the better your chances of landing that job.

Ultimately, knowledge is power. Learning about the way the world works is helpful for finding a job, and it is even more helpful in succeeding after you land that job. So, make yourself familiar, work your network (not just online), and hone that pitch. But remember that there is a lot in any job search that is out of your control. So don’t let rejections get you down.

Good luck


Your Career in 2015


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Whether you’re actively on the hunt for a new job or just casually keeping your options open 2015 seems to have started with an air of positivity we’ve not seen for a few years. So, here is some insight and a few tips to help you make 2015 a great year for your career.

Show Me the Money: The Outlook for Salaries

When it comes to pay, salaries have largely stabilised, compared to the pay cuts many employees have experienced in the past few years – and they are on the up for industries where competition is high such as project management, software engineering, systems analytics and web development.

in addition to stronger salaries, more companies are offering flex hours and even work-from-home options especially in the tech and financial services fields.

In other industries where pay and flexibility haven’t changed much – such as marketing and media – other, more unusual perks are gaining popularity such as on-site wellness centers, free parking and even pet-sitting services.

High-Growth Sectors That Should Be on Your Radar

According to human resources consulting firm Manpower Group, nearly 20% of U.S. employers expect to increase the number of new hires this year. On top of this every region in the country projected increases in hiring compared to last year – at least marginally. Employers in the Midwest and West signal “moderate” increases in hiring, and employers in the Northeast and South expect hiring to “slightly” increase.

When it comes to industries with the highest growth potential, the ManpowerGroup report found that leisure and hospitality came out on top, with a projected 28% increase in jobs. Professional and business services, the financial sector – education and health services will also perform well, growing between 10%–20%.

Use Expert-Approved Techniques for Standing Out

Positioning yourself as a star candidate in 2015 comes down to pinpointing exactly what particular hiring managers need. Use these four tips to hit the mark.

– Customise Your CV and Cover Letter: The biggest mistake is failing to personalise a CV and cover letter for each and every company position you apply for.

As more available positions are advertised on your go-to job boards this year, don’t simply blast every company with a standard CV. Instead, make sure you highlight different key accomplishments and responsibilities – or simply rearrange the order of the bullet points on your CV – in an order that satisfies each unique set of hiring requirements.

– Prep, Prep, Prep: Too many people show up for a job interview overconfident and underprepared. Even seemingly obvious to-dos, such as rereading the job description thoroughly and doing as much Internet research on the company as possible, are steps that many job seekers skip.

This is especially true when you’re applying to multiple jobs simultaneously, or you’re too busy in your current position to carve out enough prep time for an interview.

Make sure you find out enough about a company to demonstrate your knowledge of their needs and connect the skills you have to those needs.

– Get Mobile Savvy: As Millennials continue to enter the workforce, mobile recruiting has become ever more prominent so being conversant with mobile technology is more crucial than ever before.

Employers are starting to realise that mobile recruiting apps are a real-time, relevant way to reach young workers. As a result, the major job boards, like Monster and CareerBuilder are investing more resources in their apps, and more companies are tweeting jobs or posting them on Facebook pages.

Make sure you keep your social media profiles professional. That means no party pictures or risqué selfies on sites like Facebook and Instagram, and always keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date.

– Pay Attention to Culture Fit: Many hiring managers used to focus almost exclusively on candidates’ hard skills. But much more attention is paid to the culture fit today. Most skills – even technical ones, can be learned quickly. It’s much more difficult to change a person’s attitude or personality!

Companies have figured out that incorporating cultural fit into the hiring process is good for business and creating a positive culture means less employee turnover. And don’t forget that finding a company with a culture you appreciate – meaning you like their management and communication style, plus the way they encourage employees to interact with one another is better for you too.

There are a number of online tools you can use to find out more about a company’s culture. Start with your LinkedIn network and reach out to people who can introduce you to someone at the company you’re considering,

Sites like Glassdoor and Branchout also do a good job of uncovering information, enabling you to find out who among your Facebook friends has connections at a given company.

Good Luck!



Using Instagram to Find a Job – 5 Step Guide


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It’s the age of social media, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Instagram can be used for far more than sharing pictures of your dog, your favorite recipe or your latest vacation.

With a little tact, you can use Instagram as an advantage in your job search. Not only is it a good way to establish your personal brand, but it also demonstrates a marketable skill (social media) and enhances your overall digital savvy.

Here’s a five step guide to using Instagram in your job search.

1. Consider Creating a New Account

If your Instagram account is full of “selfies” or photos from a wild weekend, then you should definitely consider creating a new account for a fresh social media start, if you want to use Instagram purposefully for job searching.

2. Establish Your Personal Brand

Identify how you want to market yourself and brainstorm how you might be able to use Instagram to help you job search. Obviously, this will be easier for some fields than for others.

It’s up to you to figure out how you can include Instagram in your job search. Be creative. With a little brainstorming, you might be able to come up with some innovative ways to utilise your account and enhance your job search portfolio.

3. Think “APP”ropriate

Whether you’re using Instagram or any other mobile app as a main pillar of your job search or simply maintaining a personal account, it’s important to be mindful of what you post. Here’s a quick guide:

A is for Appropriate: Unless your account is totally private, make sure everything you post is workplace appropriate. Don’t post anything that would embarrass you in an interview, or would embarrass anybody else.

P is for Professional: While a photo shoot of your cats wouldn’t necessarily be inappropriate, it’s not necessarily professional, either. That said, you can still have fun with your Instagram. Just make sure everything you post is relevant to your personal brand, if you’re starting an account specifically to enhance your job search.

P is for Public/Private: Be mindful of your privacy settings. Your Instagram should be public if you have created an account for your job search and you want to network with other like-minded professionals or connect with companies.

You can also keep your Instagram public if you’re confident that you can filter out anything that might paint you in a bad light. If you have a personal Instagram account, it’s okay to keep it public, and in fact, this can actually help your job search as employers like to see well-rounded, active, and engaged employees.

But, if you post photos you wouldn’t want your boss to see (or if anyone tags you in Instagram in these photos, using the “@” sign) then you should adjust your privacy settings in case a potential employer tries to search you before or after an interview.

4. Use Hashtags

You can use hashtags so that your photos show up in searches. You can also use Instagram to search popular tags in your own field. However, posting a photo with too many hashtags is an Instagram “faux-pas,” so limit your use of them so as not to become annoying to other users.

5. Follow Companies

You can stay updated with a company or a brand by following them on Instagram. Check out Nitrogram for a list of the top organisations on Instagram.

Good luck


Blog to Get a Job


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Think of the word “blog” and what comes to mind? Mummy bloggers? People posting funny cat videos? Well, no more. Today’s savvy job seekers are blogging their way to success and new job opportunities. Here’s why a blog can get you your next job.

1. It’s your CV, only better: Everyone has a CV. But a blog allows you to highlight the skills on your CV, times ten. For example, if you’re a writer, you can flex your writing muscles and post examples of your creative writing. Even if you’re a tax accountant, you can write your thought-provoking opinions on some of the new tax laws or add a testimonial from a happy client. Just be sure what you write is accurate and well-supported.

2. It gives you a positive digital footprint: Whenever you apply for a job, the first thing a recruiter will do is investigate you online. Having a blog will give potential employers a fuller (and positive) picture of who you are and how you carry yourself, both personally and professionally. And unlike being tagged in an unflattering – and public image of yourself on Facebook, your blog contains content that you can completely control to project yourself in the best light possible.

3. It helps you build a network: Employers are not only looking for employees who bring knowledge and a superior skill set to the table, but they also want someone who is well connected. So while you might have 500+ connections on LinkedIn, having a blog that has a dedicated readership shows that you know how to create — and keep connections, both in the digital world and the real world.

4. It keeps you current — and sharp: If you’ve been scanning and searching the Internet for job postings for a while, it’s easy to let your skills slip a little. Blogging will not only keep your knowledge current, but it will also keep your skills sharp as you create cool new content for your readers on a consistent basis. It can also help you stand out as an expert in your industry.

5. It makes you interesting to employers: When hiring managers read CV’s every day, it can get really boring, really fast. If you have a blog that represents not only your skills but also your personality, that makes you stand out more than other jobseekers who have submitted their CV. Suddenly, you become a person – and a possible job candidate they’ll call in for an interview.

Creating and customising a blog makes you attractive to potential employers. It will help set you apart from other candidates and give you that added edge in finding a job.

Good Luck!


Jobseekers: 5 Great Ways to Stand Out


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Here are five great tips to make sure you get noticed and hired by the best employers:

1. Find Ways to Let Your Creativity Shine

As every HR manager will tell you: CVs say very little. How much information can people really fit in onto a single piece of paper? Once you achieve satisfactory grades, undertake relevant internships and participate in impressive extra-curricular activities, your CV blends into others just like it. CVs in their traditional form made sense before technology allowed people to express themselves in other ways. Today you can do better.

This means: utilise technology. Do something that makes you stand out. Do something that lets your qualities shine. Videos are a great way to do this. In a video you can show enthusiasm and passion for a position or product in a way no CV can. It also lets you highlight other qualities employers prize.

Don’t send an hour-long monologue, though. Remember that recruiters only have a limited time. Ideally, employers will already have a video or audio option built into their hiring process. If they don’t, keep it short and compelling.

Find a way to highlight your talents. Otherwise your application will sit alongside hundreds like it. The bottom line is: stand out by letting those qualities that can’t be seen on your CV, but that you want the employer to know, shine.

2. Think Outside the Box

Go against the grain. A US jobseeker created an online ad that would appear every time employers he was targeting (New York creative directors) searched their own names. It cost him $6. He got hired.

Ads won’t necessarily get you a job, but doing something people aren’t expecting, or that hasn’t been done before, will get you noticed.

Demonstrate that you are willing to learn new things, undertake challenges, and have different experiences. In the weeks leading up to an application, do something you’ve never done before and mention that.

3. Social Media Espionage

Facebook is for friends, Twitter is for catching news, and LinkedIn is for job seeking — right?

Wrong. Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools allow you to study, connect and interact with prospective future employers and colleagues.

Learn their likes, dislikes and priorities. Interact. Seize the opportunity to get noticed and even build a relationship, before you’re officially interviewed. Remember, likeability has always been a key factor in people getting hired. Positive social interactions can only help.

Of course, your social media interactions can work against you, too. Most college guidance counsellors remind you to delete those embarrassing Facebook photos before applying, but also remember that foolish post-college tweets are just as damaging. A good HR department will know.

4. Study the Company’s Top Performers

If you’re seeking to replace someone who has moved on, or if you’re hoping to join an expanding team, look at the qualities the company prizes –- the ones the top employers have –- and see how they match yours.

Emphasise where they match, and boost yourself in those other areas. That’s what employers are looking for.

5. Be Proactive

If you know the company you want to work for, don’t wait for any official job posting.

Many companies – the more creative ones who want talent to find them – accept CVs at all times. Being proactive means you can get noticed before the race has officially begun. This is a perfect moment to send a tweet “pitch” and to make sure you get seen early on.

And when you apply, show why they should take you even if they don’t have a current open position. How do you do that? Reread point 1.

If success in real estate is location, location, location, success in job seeking comes from standing out, standing out and standing out. The top employers today understand that, and are adjusting their recruitment processes to let applicants shine and to focus their search on identifying the qualities that mean the most to them. This process saves them time and money in recruiting, and in the long term, gets them the best employees.

Job seekers can learn from that process to jump to the top of the line.

Good luck!


CV Writing Tips


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Below is a collection of great CV writing tips to help you get hired.

Know the purpose of your CV
Some people write a CV as if the purpose of the document was to land a job. As a result they end up with a really long and boring piece that makes them look like desperate job hunters. The objective of your CV is to land an interview, and the interview will land you the job (hopefully!).

Back up your qualities and strengths
Instead of creating a long (and boring) list with all your qualities (e.g., disciplined, creative, problem solver) try to connect them with real life and work experiences. In other words, you need to back these qualities and strengths up, else it will appear that you are just trying to inflate things.

Make sure to use the right keywords
Most companies (even smaller ones) are already using digital databases to search for candidates. This means that the HR department will run search queries based on specific keywords. Guess what, if your CV doesn’t have the keywords related to the job you are applying for, you will be out even before the game starts. These keywords will usually be nouns. Check the job description and related job ads for a clue on what the employer might be looking for.

Use effective titles
Like it or not, employers will usually make a judgment about your CV in 20 seconds or less. Under this time frame the most important aspect will be the titles that you listed on the CV, so make sure they grab the attention. Try to be as descriptive as possible, giving the employer a good idea about the nature of your past work experiences. For example:Bad title: Accounting
Good title: Management of A/R and A/P and Recordkeeping

Proofread it twice

It would be difficult to over emphasise the importance of proofreading your CV. One small typo and your chances of getting hired could slip. Proofreading it once is not enough, so do it twice, three times or as many as necessary.

Use bullet points

No employer will have the time (or patience) to read long paragraphs of text. Make sure, therefore, to use bullet points and short sentences to describe your experiences, educational background and professional objectives.

Where are you going?
Including professional goals can help you by giving employers an idea of where you are going, and how you want to arrive there. You don’t need to have a special section devoted to your professional objectives, but overall the CV must communicate it. The question of whether or not to highlight your career objectives on the CV is a polemic one among HR managers, so go with your gut feeling. If you decide to list them, make sure they are not generic.

Put the most important information first

This point is valid both to the overall order of your CV, as well as to the individual sections. Most of the times your previous work experience will be the most important part of the CV, so put it at the top. When describing your experiences or skills, list the most important ones first.

Attention to the typography
First of all make sure that your fonts are big enough. The smallest you should go is 11 points, but 12 is probably safer. Do not use capital letters all over the place, remember that your goal is to communicate a message as fast and as clearly as possible. Arial and Times are good choices.

Do not include ‘no kidding’ information

There are many people that like to include statements like ‘Available for interview’ or ‘References available upon request’. If you are sending a CV to a company, it should be a given that you are available for an interview and that you will provide references if requested. Just avoid items that will make the employer think ‘no kidding!’

Explain the benefits of your skills
Merely stating that you can do something will not catch the attention of the employer. If you manage to explain how it will benefit his company, and to connect it to tangible results, then you will greatly improve your chances.

Avoid negativity

Do not include information that might sound negative in the eyes of the employer. This is valid both to your CV and to interviews. You don’t need to include, for instance, things that you hated about your last company.

Achievements instead of responsibilities

CVs that include a long list of ‘responsibilities included…’ are plain boring, and not efficient in selling yourself. Instead of listing responsibilities, therefore, describe your professional achievements.

No pictures
Sure, we know that you are good looking, but unless you are applying for a job where the physical traits are very important (e.g., modeling, acting and so on), and unless the employer specifically requested it, you should avoid attaching your picture to the CV.

Use numbers

If you are going to describe your past professional achievements, it would be a good idea to make them as solid as possible. Numbers are your friends here. Don’t merely mention that you increased the annual revenues of your division, say that you increased them by £100,000, by 78%, and so on.

One CV for each employer

One of the most common mistakes that people make is to create a standard CV and send it to all the job openings that they can find. Sure it will save you time, but it will also greatly decrease the chances of landing an interview (so in reality it could even represent a waste of time). Tailor your CV for each employer. The same point applies to your cover letters.

Identify the problems of the employer
A good starting point to tailor your CV for a specific employer is to identify what possible problems there might be at hand. Try to understand the market of the company you are applying for a job, and identify what kind of difficulties they might be going through. After that illustrate on your CV how you and your skills would help to solve those problems.

Avoid age discrimination

It is illegal to discriminate people because of their age, but some employers do take this information into consideration nonetheless. Why risk the trouble? Unless specifically requested, do not include your age on your CV.

You don’t need to list all your work experiences
If you have job experiences that you are not proud of, or that are not relevant to the current opportunity, you should just omit them. Mentioning that you used to sell hamburgers when you were 17 is probably not going to help you land that executive position.

Go with what you’ve got

If you never had any real working experience, just include your summer jobs or volunteer work. If you don’t have a degree yet, mention the title and the estimated date for completion. As long as those points are relevant to the job in question, it does not matter if they are official or not.

Sell yourself

Remember that you are trying to sell yourself. As long as you don’t go over the edge, all the marketing efforts that you can put in your CV (in its content, design, delivery method and so on) will give you an advantage over the other candidates.

Don’t include irrelevant information
Irrelevant information such as political affiliation, religion and sexual preference will not help you. In fact it might even hurt your chances of landing an interview. Just skip it.

Use Mr. and Ms. if appropriate

If you have a gender neutral name like Alex or Ryan make sure to include the Mr. or Ms. prefix, so that employers will not get confused about your gender.

No lies, please
Seems like a no brainer, but you would be amused to discover the amount of people that lie in their CVs. Even small lies should be avoided. Apart from being wrong, most HR departments do background checks these days, and if you are buster it might ruin your credibility for good.

Keep the salary in mind

The image you will create with your CV must match the salary and responsibility level that you are aiming for.

Analyse job ads

You will find plenty of useful information on job ads. Analyse not only the ad that you will be applying for, but also those from companies in the same segment or offering related positions. You should be able to identify what profile they are looking for and how the information should be presented.

Get someone else to review your CV
Even if you think you CV is looking good, it’s prudent to get a second and third opinion about it. We usually become blind to our own mistakes or way of reasoning, so another person will be in a good position to evaluate the overall quality of your CV and make appropriate suggestions.

One or two pages

The ideal length for a CV is always up for debate. Most employers and recruiting specialists, however, say that it should be no more than two pages at maximum. Just keep in mind that provided all the necessary information is there, the shorter your CV, the better.

Use action verbs
A very common advice to job seekers is to use action verbs. But what are they? Action verbs are basically verbs that will get noticed more easily and that will clearly communicate what your experience or achievements were. Examples include managed, coached, enforced and planned.

Use a good printer

If you are going to use a paper version of your CV, make sure to use a decent printer. Laser printers usually get the job done. Use plain white paper.

No hobbies

Unless you are 100% sure that some of your hobbies will support you candidacy, avoid mentioning them. I know you are proud of your swimming team, but share it with your friends and not with potential employers.

Update your CV regularly
It is a good idea to update your CV on a regular basis. Add all the new information that you think is relevant, as well as courses, training programs and other academic qualifications that you might receive along the way. This is the best way to keep track of everything and to make sure that you will not end up sending an obsolete document to the employer.

Mention who you worked with

If you have reported or worked with someone that is well known in your industry, it could be a good idea to mention it on the CV. The same thing applies to presidents and CEOs. If you reported to or worked directly with highly ranked executives, add it to the CV.

No scattered information
Your CV must have a clear focus. It will cause a negative impression if you mentioned that one year you were studying drama, and the next you were working as an accountant. Make sure that all the information you include will work towards a unified image. Employers like decided people.

Make the design flow with white space

Do not jam your CV with text. Sure we said that you should make your CV as short and concise as possible, but that refers to the overall amount of information and not to how much text you can pack in a single sheet of paper. White space between the words, lines and paragraphs can improve the legibility of your CV.

List all your positions

If you have worked a long time for the same company (over 10 years) it could be a good idea to list all the different positions and roles that you had during this time separately. You probably had different responsibilities and developed different skills during each role, which will be of interest to an employer.

No jargon or slang
It should be common sense, but it’s not. Slang should never be present in a CV. As for technical jargon, do not assume that the employer will know what you are talking about. Even if you are sending your CV to a company in the same segment, the person who will read it for the first time might not have any technical expertise.

Careful with sample CV templates
There are many websites that offer free CV templates. While they can help you to get an idea of what you are looking for, do not just copy and paste one of the most used ones. You certainly don’t want to look just like any other candidate, do you?

Create an email proof format

It is very likely that you will end up sending your CV via email to most companies. Apart from having a Word document ready to go as an attachment, you should also have a text version of your CV that does not look disfigured in the body of the email or in online forms. Attachments might get blocked by spam filters, and many people just prefer having the CV in the body of the email itself.

Remove your older work experiences

If you have been working for 20 years or more, there is no need to have 2 pages of your CV listing all your work experiences, starting with the job at the local coffee shop at the age of 17! Most experts agree that the last 15 years of your career are enough.

No fancy design details

Do not use a colored background, fancy fonts or images on your CV. Sure, you might think that the little flowers will cheer up the document, but other people might just throw it away on sight.

No pronouns
You CV should not contain the pronouns “I” or “me.” That is how we normally structure sentences, but since your CV is a document about your person, using these pronouns is actually redundant.

Don’t forget the basics
The first thing on your CV should be your name. It should be bold and with a larger font than the rest of the text. Make sure that your contact details are clearly listed. Secondly, both the name and contact details should be included on all the pages of the CV (if you have more than one).

Consider getting professional help

If you are having a hard time to create your CV, or if you are receiving no response whatsoever from companies, you could consider hiring a professional CV writing service. There are both local and online options available and usually the investment will be worth the money.

Good luck!


Find a Job Using Google +


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Although Google+ has taken a while to gain momentum, it’s becoming a favourite with businesses and individuals alike. As with rivals Facebook, Google+ is also becoming more popular as a platform for jobseekers to show case their expertise and connect with employers and recruiters across the globe.

Here are 10 top tips for using Google+ for you job search.

#1. If you don’t have a profile on Google+, create one!
If you already have one, make sure its optimised. Optimising your profile means fully completing all the details information on your profile to ensure you increase your visibility to employers. Include industry related keywords so you appear in relevant searches.

#2. Use the Circles feature to connect with influential people
More importantly, add those people who are already employed in your target companies. Participate in their conversations to attract attention.

#3. Use the Hangouts feature to take your efforts to the next level
You can use this feature to create job search clubs. Learn the basic rules and regulations of participating in hangouts first though to make sure you get the most out of your Hangouts.

#4. Find opportunities to highlight your talents and skills
Grab the attention of companies or employers by showcasing some of your recent work or results you have achieved from specific projects. This will help to demonstrate how your on-paper experience is benefitting others in real life. It’s also a good idea to ask questions related to the kind of job you are looking for.

#5. Engage
When you genuinely engage on Google+ by contributing to discussions, attending Hangouts etc, you will naturally encounter people looking to hire or be hired. The key is to be genuine and yourself online while remaining professional at all times.

#6. Use Google+ as your online portal
Google+ also offers you the facility to link to the profiles that you may have on other social platforms. Whether it’s a blog or your profile details, don’t forget to put the links in your Google+ profile so others can find out more about you.

#7. Build quality relationships
It really is quality not quantity that counts so focus on building mutually beneficial relationships with professionals on Google+. This will help you build out your online presence while demonstrating your skills and expertise. By connecting with your target employers, recruiting companies and hiring managers you’ll help to maximise your career opportunities.

#8. Build your professional brand
Like other social networking platforms, Google+ also provides you with an opportunity to build your personal brand. In doing so, think about how you want to represent yourself online and always remember to think before you post! With business and personal network lines becoming more and more blurred spending some time thinking about this now will reap benefits in the future.

#9. Share your best content
Interesting content is king so share it with the people in your Circles. Whether you want to increase your knowledge on a certain topic or you are interested in a particular subject, you can use the Sparks (the content recommendation engine) feature for searching relevant content.

#10. Keep it going
Sounds simple perhaps but to get real success, you have to follow all the above mentioned tips on a regular basis. Don’t be a one-hit wonder!

Good luck!

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Working Overseas: Top 5 Things to Consider


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Working overseas can not only boost your career, but in many cases it is necessary if you want to reach a senior level in years to come. Companies everywhere are looking for professionals who not only have excellent skills, but also have international experience.

So what are the top reasons for working abroad and what should you consider before making the move?

1. Expanding your skill set

Without doubt, time spent abroad is a huge plus point for recruiters and employers viewing your CV. Rather than it slipping to the bottom of a shortlist pile it can help you stand out from the crowd and straight onto the interview list. Having an international perspective not only broadens your horizons, but also offers you a unique understanding of the skill sets required in a global economy. Furthermore, it can demonstrate to future employers that you have the ability to adapt to diverse workplaces.

2. Financial implications

Many people who choose to work abroad do so because the pay can appear to be very lucrative – especially if the cost of living in the country you are moving to is lower than in the UK. And this is especially the case in countries where you are paid tax free – the UAE, for example. However before making any decision ensure you know exactly how your salary will be calculated – will it be based on the current UK rate? It is all too easy to think you will automatically be paid and taxed according to the local rate so it is well worth researching this in detail.

Another factor worth considering is the cost of moving and the financial implications you will face when living in a new country. While there are businesses which will bear the cost of shipping your belongings, for example, this is not always the case so double check these details before you sign on the dotted line. Many expats who move their families to a new location not only have to contend with a new education system, but also the cost of schooling abroad. This is largely because many international schools are private. Double check that your new package includes a tuition allowance, and if it doesn’t then factor this into the overall cost of relocating.

3. Culture

Spending time abroad can hugely increase your cultural awareness, but it is equally as important that you immerse yourself into the local way of life. Understanding the local customs and traditions will not only make your life easier, but will also equip you with a broader understanding of how culture affects businesses throughout the globe. In strict Muslim states, for example, it is not appropriate to shake hands with a woman and it is imperative to dress modestly in public places.

4. Fast track career move

We often see candidates who have used their time overseas as a way to fast track their career and take the next step up. International exposure can certainly accelerate your promotion prospects, and lead to enhanced reward packages. This is because you tend to be faced with a whole host of challenges and opportunities in a shorter space of time than you might with no international exposure under your belt. If you are working abroad and ultimately intend on returning to the UK, it is wise to be cautious of the amount of time you leave before coming back. If your exposure is too prolonged or focused on one country, you may run the risk of being labelled as a ‘country expert’ which could count against you in the long run.

5. Changing your mind

The first few months may be a little daunting as you get to know your new home and the different way of life. However after making such a big move it’s perhaps wise to stick it out for 6 months to a year before you make the decision to up sticks and move back to the UK. If it really isn’t for you, all is not lost. The skills and experiences you gained will put you in a good position to find a role on your return. However it is a good idea to start engaging with employers and recruiters in your final months so you ‘keep your fingers on the pulse’ regarding the UK employment market.

Good luck!

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Getting Hired: Top 5 Key Qualities Employers Look For in 1st Jobbers!


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Impressing a current or future employer is as much about having the right attitude as the right qualifications and experience. Below are the five qualities most likely to win over an employer and help increase your chances of securing that new role or promotion.

Reliability and consistency

Most people are on their best behaviour when they start a new job, but over the years it’s easy to develop bad habits. This might mean regularly arriving a few minutes late, or making less effort with your appearance, which can be a source of extreme annoyance to colleagues and line managers. Sloppy time keeping or scruffiness can be taken as signs that you’re not that bothered and may raise questions about your general level of commitment. Show that you take your job seriously by being conscientious and exuding an aura of professionalism at all times. Ultimately you will be judged on your output and contribution both within your role and across the organisation you work for – however it pays dividends not to underestimate the importance of reliability and consistency not just in your work but your whole attitude.

A sense of initiative

While asking questions is one of the best ways to learn, there is definitely a time and place to do it. Rather than automatically turning to others for help, see if you can find the required information yourself. A quick internet search might provide the details you need, or there may be specific company documents you could check. The fact that you’ve tried to work things out for yourself will demonstrate your initiative, and people will be more inclined to provide assistance when you really need it if you don’t bombard them with pointless requests.

Ability to exceed expectations

It’s always better to surprise your boss, manager or client by delivering something earlier than expected than to make a promise you can’t keep. Try to negotiate realistic deadlines and then do your best to complete the task in the shortest time possible. If you gain a reputation for handing things in early then people will trust you and be more understanding should you ever need more time due to circumstances beyond your control. Similarly, if you spot an opportunity to add value to a project then you should grasp it with both hands.

Adaptability and flexibility

Your job description should be seen as a list of minimum requirements rather than the final word on your daily activities. There may be times when you’re asked to do something not directly related to your role. Try to view these requests as opportunities to stretch yourself and demonstrate your abilities rather than moaning that it’s not your responsibility. That way you will gain a reputation for being flexible and adaptable, which are highly desirable qualities in an employee.

You can take things a step further by volunteering for projects outside your team or department, or finding ways to fill existing gaps. While it’s true that no one is indispensable, some people have a natural ability to blur the edges of their official role until they become an integral part of the business.

Commitment to self-development

The economic climate continues to cause financial problems for many organisations (even though things are looking up), and it’s an unfortunate reality that training budgets have been slashed as a result. In fact, our own research shows that over a third of businesses haven’t allocated any money for training in the past 12 months.

If you would benefit from the acquisition of new knowledge or skills, and your employer can’t or won’t provide financial assistance, then it could be worth investing your own money on further study. A targeted professional qualification will show commitment to your chosen line of work, enhance your professional standing and give your CV a real boost should you decide that itís time to move on.

As you can see, being a model employee is all about doing the best job possible and considering how you can add value and secure your position as an invaluable part of the team. By adopting a few simple habits you can show that you are consistent and dependable, and who doesn’t want someone like that by their side through good times and bad?

Good Luck!

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